Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Front Pages if the World

  1. Favorite Newspaper front page: Silver City Sun-News. It's my favorite because the headline and picture worked together so nicely and it really caught my attention.
  2. The paper is from Silver City New Mexico
  3. My favorite headline is "Woman injured in drive-by", not because of the story is summarizes, but for the attention grabbing aspect of it. 
  4. The story of the woman injured in the drive by, works because it contrasts with the happy violinist.
  5. All the newspapers have a bold headline and a big picture on the front page.
  6. The layout of all the newspapers differ.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The 7 News Values of News

  1. Write a complete sentence that explains why the article is driven by the news value you chose. (25 points)
  2. Timeliness  -- the newness of the facts.


    Proximity –Man found guilty in sexual assault of woman in Northeast Austin

    Prominence –Man dies after fall into ravine while being chased by game warden, officials say

    Impact –Soldier kills 3, himself and wounds 16 at Fort Hood

    Conflict  Increasing Number Of Men Pressured To Accept Realistic Standards Of Female Beauty

    Human Interest – 
    Novelty – Dog escapes Texas backyard, somehow gets to Ohio