1. I'd say I followed this rule pretty well.
2. The subject is... Uhm.. Everything. I suppose because it's the library and everyone is studying different things.
3. If people can't tell what the subject is then that's their loss.
1. I didn't really follow any rules when taking this photo, I just wanted to have a picture of this. But in the end it turned out to be following simplicity, somewhat.
2. The subject of this photo is speech. If you've never taken speech with Mr. Valles then you won't understand.
3. Obviously people will understand this represents speech. Obviously.
1. I followed this rule perfectly. Praise me.
2. The subject is God Bryce in all his Godliness glory!
3. It better freakn be clear. All those who don't know Bryce are missing out!
1. Again, I followed this rule perfectly because I am perfect.
2. The subject is Noah and stairs. Sue me.
3. Yes, people understand what the subject is. Unless people don't know what stairs or a Noah is.
1. I don't really understand this rule so I'm just going to say I followed it superbly.
2. The subject is Piers and his kingliness.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
-Of course.
1. I followed this rule well because the gate is framing these snazzy guys.
2. The subject is life
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?